It's All About You...
It’s time to be kind to you and give yourself some focus.
Do you feel overwhelmed with the to do list, never finding time for yourself? Unable to delegate, taking it all on?
Or have you ever felt you can’t fully be yourself and say what you think or feel? Hiding your true self to fit in or conform? Letting things slide because there is no value to your voice?
When was the last time you did what you really wanted to?
Unlock your full potential, find your purpose, reach that goal, shift perspective, rediscover yourself and take back control of your time.
Stop measuring yourself against others. We are ALL perfectly imperfect, we are flawed individuals and no one is fully formed. Leaning into your own unique strengths and confidently allowing your super-strength to shine is much so healthier and more productive than focusing on what you don't do as well…..It’s all about you…. Let yourself shine!
Unless we’re talking teams, and then it’s all about all of you! However, it works much the same way, we just let everyone shine together.
Teams often don’t say what they mean, have one of two dominant characters and others who stay quiet. There is often an unspoken imbalance of input and output, which left unsaid can lead to breakdowns in trust, silos, judgement of others and ultimately a less than optimal team performance.
Does your team say what it feels? Do you help each other or just focus on individual responsibilities? Do you ask for help or show vulnerabilities? Or are you all pretending you’ve got this?
By identifying all individual strengths (and take cares), then openly sharing and discussing these, bring a closeness and respect across the team. Focusing on the positives of the collective and being more aware of the team gaps, bring a joint focus to strive forward together.

Who am I?
Firstly, I’m not the A-list actor Claire Foy, so if you were looking for her, back to google you go. I’ll help… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claire_Foy
Married with two boys, I’m living in Kent, but with childhood roots firmly in the Caribbean. I have 25yrs experience in the corporate world in very male dominated industries. I have experienced complex business politics, misogynistic behaviour, and a sense of needing to hide who I really was. I have also however, had some fantastic experiences which have shaped who I am and helped me understand how important it is to be yourself. In work, relationships, teams…. In life.
As your coach I am warm, authentic, playful and challenging, and will be the holder of your time to think. I’m unapologetically rebellious and will challenge your thinking with a loving boot, to get you thinking differently about yourself, your worth and the fabulous future ahead of you.
See if I'm the right coach for you...
A Loving Boot
I’ve been said to have a loving boot and it’s been known to work wonders. Clients have said after just two sessions their life has changed immeasurably. But you need to be ready. Coaching only works when you want it to.
See what others have said, I'll let my clients do the talking.....